Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Questions for Act III

1. In what matter does Kate advise James?
Answer: Kate talked to James in a really nice way and try to advise him to see what his father is going through and make James understand his father.

2. Annie compares words to what?
Answer:Annie compares words to eyes.

3. Annie defines obedience without understanding as what?
Answer:The way that Annie defines obedience without understanding it in a form of blindness for Helen.

4. How does Helen behave during her special "welcome home" dinner?
Answer:After Helen arrives to the house her behaivor changes, she start to behave the same way she did before Annie had arrived.

5. Which family members finally agree that the right thing is to allow Annie to take
Answer:Kate agree for Annie to take over Hellen and the captain.

6. What happens at the water pump?
Answer: Helens learns hwo to say water and finds out what the significnat of sign language is.

7. What object does Helen offer to Annie?
Answer: Hellen offers Annie ????

8. What does Annie sigh and whisper to Helen that shows she can now move ahead in
her own life?
Answer: Her words are that she loves Hellen forever

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Miracle Worker pp.48-71

1.What gesture does Annie use to indicate her mother?
Answer:She touches he mother hands and cheeks to indicate that thast her mom.

2.How many treats does Helen secretly receive before dinner? Given by whom?
Answer: Hellen receives a tea cake from biney thena piece of cake from Annie and a piece of candy of her mom and her father. ???

3.How do we know Helen is aware something different is about to happen?
Answer: She could feel there was someone new in the house that she did not know.

4.What three advantages does Annie tell Kate she has over another governess?
ANswer: She came from a blind institution and she worked with kids just like Hellen, and she is a little blind and she also that she knows ?????.

5.Tell Annie's response to Kate's question "What will you try to teach her first?"
Answer:Annie response first,last and in between,language

6.Does Kate like Annie in their first meeting?
Answer: Kate feel that Annie is not the right person for Helen because she is blind not completely but yeah but then her opinion changes towards Annie.

7.How does Helen first respond to Annie Sullivan?
Answer: Hellen first responds to Annie by Helen touching her forearms and dress and then hit her hand and starts to feel Annie suitcase.

8.What word does Annie sign to Helen first? Why?
Ansswer: Annie sign Hellen Doll becaus Helen was holding a doll at the moment. She wanted Hellen to know what she was touching.

9.Why has Captain Keller become upset before dinner the day of Annie's arrival?
Answer: He was upset cuz his son kept saying things about Hellen.

10.For what reason does James fetch a ladder?
Answer: Hellen being really naughty lock Annie in the room and hide the keys.

11.Describe Annie's reaction to Helen spitting the hidden key out of her mouth and hiding it in the well.
Answer: Annie raction to was that she shake her heas to hereself , and she could not keep the smile on her face. She said to Hellen you think I'm so esily gotten rid of you have a thing or two to learn, first I have nothing else to do.